What is Iridology?
Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye, it’s a science that explores the intricate patterns, colors, and markings of the iris to reveal potential health issues and constitutional strengths. It is also the art and science of revealing the structural, functional and emotional disturbances in the human body, it is a significant part of health maintenance and disease prevention.
The iris is our miniature recording screen that can gauge the status of our health. Impressions from all over the body are conveyed through the iris. An Iridologist is able to uncover an incredible amount of information concerning the health of the body, if you have current health challenges, an iris analysis may identify these problems. Once identified, corrective measures can be employed, providing you with an opportunity to get better faster, the iris can also reveal potential for future health risks, preventive measures can be effectively applied to reduce these risks.
The iris reveals the characteristics of the body tissue, the presence of acids catarrh and anemia.
The iris encompasses the totality of a human being. It highlights the dynamics that created an individual’s health picture, identifies what areas of the body lack vitality to resist illness and shows the emotional patterns that can create or maintain illness.
You’ll be amazed what you’ll learn after an iris analysis, such as:
- Lifestyle and emotional factors that have contributed to the current situation.
- What areas need support or treatment to increase vitality or to regain balance.
- Inherited strengths and weaknesses.
- Physical and emotional health disturbances.
- How to maintain health and practice preventative measures.
- Disorders from prior generations.
Disease is a state of health:
The iridologist can determine an individual’s ability to
resist a negative influence penetrating the body systems
and can also tell how much vital force is present in the organ systems of the body.
An iris analysis will motivate and keep you on a consistent healthy path.